Over 500 customers from Poland, Russia, Belarus, Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Croatia and Portugal.
The largest and most prestige tour operators – e.g., Baltic Gateway, Discovery Cruise Line, Shalom Travel.
Large international corporations – e.g. Bosh, Panasonic, Fiat, General Motors, Volkswagen, Strabag, Beiersdorf, Royal Canin, Velux, Koło, Unilever, Honda, Dragados and many others.
Leading, medium and regional tour operators and carriers in Poland, Germany, Czech Republic and Russia.
Individual guides, couriers, enthusiasts.
Non-governmental organisations and public sector – including Euro 2012, KK NSZZ Solidarność, The Marek Edelman Dialogue Centre, Prison Service, Agricultural Market Agency, State Forests.
Museums, galleries, places of worship and tourist attractions.
Schools and universities.