The evolution of technology: digital vs analogue tourguide systems

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2024 monika

The evolution of technology: digital vs analogue tourguide systems

In a world of ever-newer and evolving technologies, manufacturers of communications systems do not stay behind, using innovations to improve the quality of the services they offer. These modifications are related both to the will to improve the models on offer, as well as to the external factors that, in a certain way, force us to change the ways we communicate. Analogue systems that were popular until recently, the Okayo WT-300 and the Pellegrino, used radio waves of various frequencies on the UHF band to convey sound. Presently, a greater number of frequency bands, traditionally utilised by analogue equipment, is being set aside for the needs of modern communications technologies, e. g. 5G cellular networks. The number of radio signal sources keeps rising. As a result, analogue systems face difficulties with maintaining stable transmissions.

The basic advantage of digital tourguide systems is their resistance to interference and noise. Thanks to the application of digital modulation, the sound is clearer and more pleasant to listen to. In addition, digital transmission, thanks to encoding, minimises the risk of interference that could cause squeaks or echoes and improves transmission security. What’s more, additional functions available in models such as the Okayo OTG-102 or the Okayo Wavetalk, e. g. automatic searching for channels that are free of interference, allow for comfortable communication even among other equipment using similar frequencies.

Can we expect any other advantages that we might have missed in case of analogue tourguide communication? Of course we can! They are, however, dependent on the individual model. As we know, digital systems go hand in hand with automation and flexibility, allowing more comfortable group management. For instance, the bidirectional Okayo EzTour allows the guide to mute the receiver from the transmitter and to allow anyone to speak remotely. The mGuide DLR-02, in turn, offers PTT (push to talk), allowing anyone holding a receiver to indicate they would like to speak.

A significant matter in case of digital tourguide systems and wireless intercoms is also their superiority in efficiency. These systems offer similar ranges as their analogue counterparts, all the while requiring much less power, effectively extending battery life and reducing environmental impact.

The move from analogue to digital radio systems, not only in tourism or industry, but also sport and medicine, brings with itself many advantages.
It positively influences both work comfort as well as the ecological side of one’s activities. Despite the initial challenges related to e. g. equipment compatibility, investments in digital systems are a key step towards sustainable and more efficient communication.

In order to find out more about digital systems, we encourage you to read the interview conducted directly with the deputy general manager of Okayo Okayo Electronics Ltd. – Mr Kanter Huang – Click here!



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